Instruction on the right to withdraw from the contract

Instruction on the right to withdraw from the contract

Online store
Pavel Čermák – Cervík Pája
operated at the internet address,
through the web interface,

according to Government Regulation No. 363/2013 Coll. - government regulation on model instruction on the right to withdraw from contracts concluded remotely or off-premises and a model form for withdrawing from these contracts, as amended.

(The translation of this page is only indicative and if the translation causes any inaccuracy or small deviation, no claim arises. The text of this page written in the Czech language is important and decisive. The inaccuracy and deviation were not caused intentionally, only the translation of the terms through a translator. We apologize for that .In any case, we are at your disposal for answers to questions or ambiguities either through our contact form or on our contacts).


I. The right to withdraw from the contract

1.1 You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving a reason.

1.2 You have the right to withdraw from the contract without giving a reason within 14 days from the day following the day on which you or a third party designated by you (other than the carrier) takes delivery of the goods.

1.3 For the purposes of exercising the right to withdraw from the contract, you must notify:

Pavel Čermák – Červík Pája (,

with registered office: Pod větrákem 926, 27101 Nové Strašecí,

phone. +420_777909980,


in the form of a unilateral legal action (for example, by letter sent through a postal service operator, by fax or e-mail). You may use the attached sample withdrawal form, but it is not your obligation to do so.


1.4 In order to comply with the deadline for withdrawing from this contract, it is sufficient to send the withdrawal from the contract before the expiry of the relevant deadline.

II. Consequences of withdrawing from the contract and taking over the goods

2.1 If you withdraw from this contract, we will refund to you without undue delay, no later than 14 days from the day on which we receive your notice of withdrawal, all payments we have received from you, including delivery costs (except for additional costs incurred as a result of of your chosen delivery method, which is different from the cheapest standard delivery method offered by us). For refunds, we will use the same payment method that you used to make the initial transaction, unless you have specifically specified otherwise. In no case will this incur additional costs for you. We will only refund the payment once we receive the returned goods or you prove that you sent the goods back, whichever comes first.

2.2 Acceptance of goods.

Send the goods back without undue delay, no later than 14 days from the day on which you withdraw from this contract, or hand them over to the address:
      Pavel Čermák – Červík Pája, Pod Větrákem 926, 27101 Nové Strašecí.
The deadline is considered to be met if you send the goods back to us before the 14 days have passed.


2.3 You will bear the direct costs associated with returning the goods.

2.4 Liability for Depreciation of Returned Goods.
You are only responsible for the reduction in the value of the goods as a result of handling these goods in a way other than what is necessary to familiarize yourself with the nature and properties of the goods, including their functionality.

A sample form for withdrawing from the purchase contract is provided below:



Oznámení o odstoupení od kupní smlouvy


Pavel Čermák – Červík Pája, Pod Větrákem 926, 27101 Nové Strašecí,


- Oznamuji / oznamujeme (*), že tímto odstupuji / odstupujeme (*) od smlouvy o nákupu tohoto zboží / o poskytnutí těchto služeb (*): 


- Datum objednání (*):                                     / datum obdržení (*):

- Jméno a příjmení spotřebitele / spotřebitelů:

- Adresa spotřebitele / spotřebitelů:

- Podpis spotřebitele / spotřebitelů (pouze pokud je tento formulář zasílán v listinné podobě):

- Datum:


(*) Cross out those that do not apply or complete the data.


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